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Need a better DAW, suggestions?

I am a fruit-loops user but I do require a more advanced Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).

I want to use GarageBand on my Windows PC as my friends have told me it’s way better and doesn't crash at all.

Any suggestions?

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FL Studio is Always Recommended!


Thanks for all your recomendations. I've tried the garageband and FL studio both on my system. FL studio works pretty good for me. But i have hands on Garageband. Sometimes, i don't know due to my monitors resolution problem, the grageband does not shows on the screen properly. So, i purchased a new monitor from here for music production, but my problem is still not fixed, can anyone knows what the issue behind it?


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Yes, I agree with your friend that Garageband is surely a better DAW than fruit-loop. I am using it on my Mac. It doesn't crashed at all for me.

However, I am not very sure if you can get it for Windows PC.

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@richardx49 - It will require upgrading to an Intel Mac.


Thanks Richard! Thanks for your recommendations. For Windows, You can try VMware emulator to run garageband app. Or you can refer to this article for details steps.



garageband is available for windows? Dam


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See if this will work on your PC:


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I think your issue is more than the software if you are still using a iMac G5 system.

Digital Audio has jumped leaps and bounds since the G5 with Apple going to Intel.

Most of the students at Boston Conservatory at Berklee are using MacBook Pro’s or 21.5” iMac’s using Logic Pro X.

Here’s a run down of the more popular apps: The 10 Best DAW Apps in the World Today it also depends on your needs.

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Thanks Mate :)


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Yeah, I have been using Garageband, and it has been running pretty smooth for me.

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Check out Reaper. I’ve been using it for many, many years and it works wonderfully, has great support, and won’t brake the bank.


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FL Studio is Always Recommended!

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