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Das neue Flaggschiff-Smartphone von Huawei wurde im März 2019 veröffentlicht. Das P30 verfügt über ein 6,1" OLED-Display und einen im Display integrierten Fingerabdrucksensor.

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Cracked Screen repair Difficulty?

Hi so i cracked the screen on my p30 [ELE-L29]. the screen still works perfectly fine i think its just cracks to the glass layer itself. Local repair is looking like its gonna cost ~400 CAD for a new screen replacement. How difficult would it be for me to attempt to repair it myself (or is it even worth trying to DIY this repair?)

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Here’s a teardown performed by JerryRigEverything which should be of some help. It’s a lot like doing a Samsung or later model Google Pixels and can be quite involved when it comes to DIY repairs. Just don’t buy replacement screens from eBay, Amazon, or AliExpress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85p_oFk5...

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no the screen is so easy to do

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It is easy as long as you have the right tools, and you do it with care, the piece is expensive though, might be around 100-200USD depending of your country

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