Image glitching randomly after boot

Hi, i hope anyone have solved this issue or determine the cause of it.

My iMac display suddenly started glitching. (No water damage or physical damage)

As i turn on the iMac on boot screen the apple logo can be seen perfectly but as soon as it boots to OS the image goes beserk.

Block Image
Block Image
Block Image

As i move the mouse around the image distorts randomly. Its impossible to work.

What have i done so far;

  1. PRAM/SMC Reset
  2. Tested an external monitor (same issue also persists)
  3. Upgrade OS
  4. Flash EFI Upgrade
  5. Swap RAM cards
  6. Tested new RAM cards
  7. Tested single slot RAM one-by-one since there are 2 slots
  8. Checked LCD connectors
  9. Cleaned fans
  10. Remove and reapply new thermal paste (Processor and GPU)

So far no luck,

Hope anyone can help, Thanks in advanced!

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