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Repair guides for the Huawei Mate 20 Lite Android smartphone, released in September 2018. Model numbers SNE-AL00, SNE-LX1, SNE-LX2, SNE-LX3, INE-LX2.

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How do I replace glass cover for back camera

My protective glass over the back cameras have cracked and I have ordered replacements, but am unsure if dissasembly is required to replace the protective glass.

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you can find a guide here: https://www.sosav.fr/guides/mobiles/huaw...

you cant just replace the camera glass you have to replace the full back glass sadly.

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But my camera module is totally fine though. This guide wouldn't even fix the issue, if followed to the letter. Thanks a bunch for your input though.


Just a note for future reference; the guide CodyR08 mentioned is for replacing the rear camera. However, if you use the guide to replace the entire back of the phone, that would resolve the OP's problem.



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