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The Singer EZ-Stitch Chainstitch Sewing Machine is meant to help beginners create their own fun and creative projects. It can be used to assemble crafts, clothing, pillows, accessories, and more.

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No stitching comes out of my machine

I have looked at several videos on how to thread my machine, everything looks fine. Yet when I try to sew a piece of fabric, nothing comes out. I’m pretty sure the bobin is coming out the right direction, but I’m not totally sure, this is my first time using a sewing machine.

Can I please have some help?


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Much more information is needed. Do you mean it's not stitching? There are many, reasons for this, wrong size needle for the material, incorrect thread, incorrect tension stretch material vs, nonstretch, satin, and silks. So please send more info. :)

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This will require a visual hands on look to see what you have done and why it isn't catching the bobbin thread.

Look up repair cafe and find one in your area.

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