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Dokumentation und Anleitungen für die Reparatur des am 22. September 2017 veröffentlichten iPhone 8. Modellnummern A1863, A1905.

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Case marks/spots on rear glass

Has anyone found a way to removing/buff out these spots off iPhone rear glass?

It is not scratches or marks for sure. It is clear that these appears because of the use of a bad case, because they seem to disappear right at the edge of the camera hole, where a case is not pressing against the glass.

i have tried acetone and 99% isopropyl alcohol without any results. maybe some glass polishing stuff like for cars would help?

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applying isopropyl and acetone can damage the oleophobic coating and also the gaskets that make your phone splash proof.

i had tried many household items, with no luck removing the scratches.

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