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Faulty Vax AP01 air purifier, need help sourcing components

My Vax AP01 air purifier broke at the weekend, plugged it into the wall socket and heard a pop, now it won’t work at all.

Opened it up to find a coil/inductor has blown as well as some burn marks next to a chip with the markings VIPER12A F24610. Which i've found this as a possible replacement? https://cpc.farnell.com/stmicroelectroni...

I'm reasonably handy with a soldering iron but not very good at problem solving circuit boards. I am looking to purchase a new coil/inductor to replace as well but no idea which one to buy. The colours are BROWN - BLACK - RED - SILVER

I contacted Vax but they cannot supply a schematic or any replacement parts so here I am.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!

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Update (06/28/2020)

Hi @jayeff

Thank you for the reply! That's a great help. I searched the board numbers but unfortunately didn't find any results.

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I did however notice the fan had 220v AC printed on it so decided to crimp this directly to the power cable. (I'm in the UK so our household sockets are 230v) It's fixed on medium speed but it works until I can source the right components

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Hi @sohara89 ,

Nifty interim solution



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Hi @sohara89 ,

According to the inductor colour code calculator it is a 1mH 10% tolerance inductor.

Unfortunately you would have to know it’s other specifications as well to ensure that it will work OK in circuit.

What is the board number that should be printed on the board somewhere? You could try searching online for (insert board number) schematics to hopefully find the circuit of the board which may give some more information.

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