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cruise control not working

I have a 1998 honda accord ex 5 speed. The switch on left side of dash does not come on when depressed

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Just to further clarify, how many miles do you have on the vehicle? Did this just start to come up and when was the last time your CC did work? any other problems with the Accord?


Possibly Airbag-Recall Related: Were you part of the airbag recall, and had your airbag replaced? You might want to call up the shop that replaced your airbag. I had a other symptoms in addition to the cc working sporadically (including brake indicator light coming on sporadically, dash lights didn't turn on when I turned on headlights, and the right front headlight working sporadically). My electrician/mechanic recommended calling up the shop that replaced the airbag, explain the symptoms, and have them evaluate the airbag and evaluate the wiring. Don't trust the shop? You might want to consider spending $100 to $200 to have your independent mechanic take a look at it first, take pictures, and THEN have the recall shop do the evaluation. If they messed up the wiring, didn't isolate it, loosely put the wires in, etc, then they are going to be looking at some serious costs if they shorted out the system - especially once you start hearing jargon like "Not our fault, it's a notoriously bad multiplexer!".


@bellis How did you fix your issue? Thanks for your help!


just got the car .fuse in driver side panel is good

car has 400000 km .the cruise button on the dash can be pushed on but does not light up.when I press cruise on steering wheel the cruise control lights up on the dash .cruise control does not functon


I have almost the same problem. My CC switch in the left side when I push it I can see it turns on the light but when I press the controls on steering wheel do nothing.


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I have an 2002 Accord SE. I cannot stress this enough. After you check your fuses and they are good, then then the next thing to look at on accords is the brake pedal switch. Even if your brake lights work, start here. I spent 3 days digging through possible causes. I check every sensor, twice, they were all good. I checked the 14p cable and everything tested good. I tested the airbag clock spring or reel, whatever you want to call it. I tested both the switches and they were good, everyone posting about the main switch not lighting up should know more than likely the bulbs are blown in the switch. I spent most of my time trying to get the main switch to work under the idea that it was working when it lit up. Not knowing the two bulbs inside were bad. The airbag was replaced under recall and the day Honda replaced it is the day the cruise stopped working. When I took the panel off to test the wires i saw they were taped with electrical tape. So i thought Honda had broke it. They tested the airbag reel and said it was not them. So, once again i was at a loss. I never thought to really check the brake switch. My brake lights worked fine and I had made sure it was making good contact with the pedal. Out of other options I went back to the switch and looked at it very closely. I noticed it was only pushed in about 99.9% of the way. That .01% will not effect the brake lights or come up when testing the 14p cable on the cruise module. So, after testing every switch, sensor, cable, fuse, relay, and everything else, all it took was a 16th of a turn on the brake pedal switch.

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Thanks for this tip...just spent as much time going through and testing everything else and the brake pedal switch still worked (lights came on) but after tightening and fiddling with it, the cruise now works.


BTW...mine is a 2003 Accord EX four-cylinder with manual transmission. Wasn't the clutch safety switch or the cruise control module itself and the throttle body connection remains intact.


I concur with martygilbert2001's solution on this. I used this method on 2 accords and it worked to re-enable the cruise control. The switch has a button/plunger that, if not pushed in completely, will disable the cruise control. It seems that the brake lights have more tolerance, and work properly even if the button is not depressed fully. The cruise is a lot more fussy. So, if you disconnect the switch wiring harness, loosen the nut to allow the switch to turn, then turn the switch until the button is fully depressed, then re-tighten the nut and reconnect the harness, you may find that the issue is resolved. As I mentioned above, it worked for me on 2 different accords. Good find, martygilbert2001!


This is awesome. I got in my car and thought it was weird a “blue crayon top” had some how got in my floor board. On the ride back from work my cruise control didn’t work which led me to this thread. Now I know that was a crayon but the tip of my brake switch. Thanks for the help.


@Jordan Medeiros search "Brake Pedal Stop Pad" in google to search for the part you need. Additional to your cruise control not working, your brake lights should constantly be on since your car thinks your brakes are constantly being applied. Let us know if this fixes your issue. Good luck!


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3 options I can immediately think of...fuse, switch and cruise-control module. Begin with the two easy ones, fuse and switch. Find the fuse and make sure it's not blown. Then use a multimeter to check the switch for continuity. Using a multimeter on the switches "inlets"/tabs/wires or what ever you can tap into, measure resistance with the switch on and off. I believe with the switch unpressed you should read open, "inf", "overload" or something to that effect. With the switch pressed you should read a very small resistance. If there is no change when you press the switch, the switch is dead and needs to be replaced. If the switch reads ok, you may unfortunately be in need of a new cruise control module...though maybe other contributors have further advice on this one?

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I can't find on the internet where to physically locate the module on Accord 98?


I’ve got the exact same car and the module if you are looking at it from the front of the car, looking in through the front windshield, open the hood, and it will be in the bottom right corner of the hood. It’s got a wire going to the Excelerator that’s how you can find it.


I just realized this was posted eight years ago so I feel dumb.


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I have a 2002 with 300000 miles and have the exact problem, not lite on dash button, crusie on wheel has worked on and off for past year but today after I set it and lite on dash indicated it was engaged all of a sudden the lite went out on dash and the cruise disengaged. now I have no cc.. bummer..


sorry about typo, again have exact problem, 2002 accord, no lite on on off switch on dash panel , left of steering wheel, but it seemed to work without, as when I pressed the steering wheel buttons, the lite on display came on indicating cc was on, and other steering wheel buttons worked, lately it seemed like in order for cc to work the car had to warm up, as I would press steering wheel several times and after about 5 to 10 mins it finally worked. Today on my way home from work I had the cc engaged and after about 10 mins it went out, lost cc completely.... I checked fuses.. they looked fine.. what else could it be, as I feel its not the main on off button as it has never lite prior, I did take off the right side controls on steering wheel at one point to see if there was an issue with wires but they looked fine.. I need cc. real bad.... thanks for any advise or suggestions...

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Check the switch at your brake pedal,it's plastic and will wear out after so many miles. Mine completely fell out.fixed it by slipping a dime in place between the switch and pedal shaft!


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Does the SRS light have anything to do with about the airbag

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My SRS light on my 1998 honda coupe was on. I had put another engine in it. Rode around a year with light on. Had mechanic clear the light erase the code. Been riding now for weeks no SRS light. I was told sometimes these lights comes on and does a self check. Nothing really wrong get it cleared . Then if it comes back on address the issue.


3 outs 4 cruise control switches where bad from the junkyard finally got one to light up cruise works great brake switch push petal in push nipple with your hand and u will hear a click under the dash should be good


Hopefully that helps got my 2002 honda accord se 2.3 vtec for 700 got 6 grand in that ##&&% ben to the school of Honda love the car


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