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Third generation of the Fitbit Charge fitness tracker series.

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Can I change my damaged screen?

I felt while running and my wrist landed on a rock and it is now damaged. Do we have options to change/repair the cracked screen?

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Hi @danielarachel,

Here’s a video that shows how to replace the screen in the device.

Replacement screens are available online. Just search for Fitbit Charge 3 screen to find suppliers that suit you best.

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4 Kommentare:

Please.my Fitbit charge 3 screen is not coming up but is working in the background. ebeiyamba@gmail.com


My display is damage.Can i change my display


yes look at the above / chosen awnswer


My fit bit screen is not working at all it vibrates an the green lites on bottom comes on butt nothing else comes on what is wrong what do I do and how much is it going to cost for me to get it fixed


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