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Repair information for the Sony Bravia 42" LCD TV. Released in 2012. Model number: KDL42EX440.

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Sony LED TV } KD-55X8500C

Hi There

My TV had problem I cant turned on my TV when I turned on 6 led red light blinked. Please advise what I should do to fix this problem without paying high cost.


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Hi @camchew ,

A 6 blink error code is a backlight problem.

This could either be the backlights, the inverter board, the power board or the main board.

Unfortunately the service manual doesn’t appear to have schematics so the best you can do is to visually check the power board and the inverter board for any obvious component damage e.g. heat stressed components or blown capacitors etc and test for any voltages that may be marked on the board to see if they are OK or not.

Be safety aware if testing for the voltages on the power board as there is exposed lethal AC voltage on the power board

Alternatively try replacing the power board first and check if that resolves the problem. If possible, try sourcing a replacement board from a supplier that accepts returns so as to minimize the cost to you in case it isn’t the problem.

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