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Released in October 2012, identified by model number CQ58-bf9WM, 1.0GHz AMD Dual-Core Processor C-60.

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How do I remove the wifi card?

I'm trying to figure out how to remove my wifi chip but don't know what to exactly look for?

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Here’s the maintenance and service guide for the laptop, taken from this webpage

Go to p.36 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the WLAN card. The WiFi IC chip is on the WLAN card.

If you are you removing the WiFi chip to permanently disable the WiFi, then removing the WLAN card will suffice. Why ruin a good card

If you don’t want to remove the card then the WiFi can also usually be disabled in BIOS and an Administrator’s password will protect it from being changed back. You will need to remember the password though to regain access to the BIOS menus

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