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Hi, I am unable to power on

Unable to power on my laptop,even after battery removal

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What happened before it wasn't turning on? did it power off suddenly or after the battery drained?


i had the same problem - i could not power on, and had difficulty powering off completely. the power button was flashing slowly along with the caps lock key - the screen was pulsating gently at the same rate. when the mains power was plugged in it would power down completely if i held the power button down, but would not power up.

any way - i loosened all the screws and took off the bottom to see what i could see - and that fixed it!! so i gave it a small clean and pressed one or two things in place in case it was a poor connection - it is now running again.


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Hey Wow,

Are there any indicators when you plug in in to AC power?

Do any lights show up?

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