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Republic of Gaming laptop released in 2015 . The GL551J has a GeForce GTX 860M video card and a 15.6" Full HD 1080p display.

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Power on, no boot, no display


I’m repairing an Asus ROG Laptop model GL551J. It came in for Power on, no display, no boot. So far I’ve replaced the LCD, LCD Flex, and the motherboard itself. Still the same issue. I tried powering on without RAM and it does not beep or anything. Also has the same symptoms with the HDD removed. I have the stock power supply it came with. Does anyone have an idea on what I should try next?

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Laptops can fail to start if they detect residual electricity on the motherboard or its components, which avoids too much electricity overloading components.

Try to boot up your computer by removing unplugging the battery.

If your laptop still won't power up, a faulty power supply, failed hardware, or a malfunctioning screen could be to blame.

To test the display, you can attach an external monitor and restart the computer.

It's very important to actually perform every step in the checklist below if you want to effectively troubleshoot your problem.


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