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The EOS 6D was released in 2012 as Canon’s first consumer-level, full-frame DSLR. It comes pre-equipped with a 2.75”x2” LCD viewing screen, a GPS antenna and wifi connectivity.

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Battery door is stuck

Help! My battery door is stuck, this happened because when I was trying to put the battery door back in, it got stuck somehow…

I removed it so I could put a battery grip on it…but when I tried to put the battery door back I accidentally got it stuck somehow, and it’s gonna be costly if I can’t get it fixed myself.

I uploaded a video to Youtube to show you guys what I mean.

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@iangallagher looks like the spring for the locking tab isn't working. Try a very small screwdriver and inserted into the small gap, then push the locking tab in. If that does not work you may have to drill or otherwise remove the door and subsequently replace it.


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If you press on the door part does it flex downward? Basically seeing if the door is free just caught on the edge.

If it is then what @oldturkey03 suggested to carefully pry along the latching edge. Removing the bottom cover screws won't get you to the hidden one within the battery chamber. So consider that as you'll then need a new bottom cover and door vs just the door if you cut it out Battery Door For Canon EOS 6D Digital Camera & Bottom Cover Base Cover Plate Assembly For Canon EOS 6D Digital Camera

If there is no flex then it's possible something sticky got in the gap.

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