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Repair guides and support for the laptop line of Acer's Aspire series for casual home and business use.

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My laptop is infected with the “ICSVID” virus

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I dropped my laptop, and now it’s infected with the Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease (ICSVID) virus. It will not show anything else but this. The virus is even there when the laptop screen is powered off. How can I cure it?

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It’s a diseased screen.


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@videogamer17 this “I dropped my laptop” leads me to believe that your picture shows not a virus but a broken LCD screen. You can verify this by attaching an external monitor. If that shows a normal picture from your OS you know it is not a virus but that at minimum you will have to replace the LCD panel.

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Yes, that’s the Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease (ICSVID). A laptop contracts the virus when a user drops, hits, punches, closes the lid on something, or puts too much pressure on it.


@videogamer17 so for this kind of virus the only cure will be the replacement of the LCD screen.


LOL! A new LCD screen is the cure for ICSVID.


@oldturkey03 Black “ink” spots, white/gray/black areas, lines (vertical or horizontal), flickering, and crack-like lines are all symptoms of ICSVID.


@videogamer17 if "laptop contracts the virus when a user drops, hits, punches, closes the lid on something, or puts too much pressure on it" then yes, that will be the cure. What did your external monitor show?


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