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Repair and troubleshooting information for the HP Pavilion dv6000, an HP laptop part of the HP Pavilion series. Released in April 2007.

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My HP Pavilion dc6000 is overheating?

The hardedisc is burning hot and my CPU fan is going bananas, disenoing noise that very alot.

My PC is slowing down and some times is going to stand still..... what can I do to fix this and what hardeware do hawe to change.

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The heat sink is probably dusty. Open the laptop and look for a fan on the motherboard (I think it’s on the motherboard). When you find it, get a cotton stick and then remove the dust, then the problem should go away.

If there is no fan or it still has the problem, you should get it replaced.


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Gewählte Lösung

Here is a link to the service manual for your unit. I would use it to open up your computer and clean the fans and interior of debris. You may also want to redo the thermal paste under the CPU. Hope this helps.



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I've worked on the HP Pavillions and I can tell you that redoing the thermal paste should definitely fix the heating issue, if it hasn't overheated to the point that it's damaged anything already, that is.

But it's only 10 bucks, a coffee filter, latex gloves and rubbing alcohol, so not too much of an investment to at least try it.

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