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Republic of Gaming laptop released in 2015 . The GL551J has a GeForce GTX 860M video card and a 15.6" Full HD 1080p display.

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Asus ROG strix gl553v not powering on?

Hello I have asus gl553v strix which was working fine a week ago now it will not turn on at all I've tried removing the battery and only using the power cord doesn't work also tried different batteries and power cords but nothing works tried doing a power drain didn't work either this is exactly what's happening with my laptop if I plug the power cable in it shows the power indicator light but once I push the power button all the lights shut off it's the same if I have the battery plugged in I also tried replacing the power jack inside the laptop that hasn't fixed it either what else can I tackle to try to fix it I also did a reseat on the ram didn't work either

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I would recommend trying to let the battery charger sit and charge the laptop for a while, also you could try a different battery charger, and I also recommend trying different outlets in your home. Sometimes if a power supply goes bad, it could potentially not supply enough, Volts, or Amps, which in turn would prevent the power supply from giving enough Watts to the battery in order to charge it.

Troubleshooting something like this calls for a process of elimination, meaning that as you troubleshoot we are going to cross things off that could potentially be the problem.

Based on what you have described, I would like to assume these as possible issues:

  • Bad Power supply (Most Likely)
  • Bad battery (Likely)
  • Bad motherboard (Least Likely)

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