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The Samsung UN55KS9000F 55-inch 4K SUHD TV is a flat panel 2160P TV. Released from Samsung in 2016. Model number: UN55KS9000FXZA.

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crawl coming up on screen

Recently we installed a new cable box (WOW) to our 2 TV’s and now there is a crawl that comes up randomly on both TV’s blocking what is on the bottom of the screen of the program we are watching. It stays for about 30 seconds and then goes back down. Any suggestions on how to get rid of that? This covers the scores on ESPN.

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Hi @janetramos1309,

Have you tried rebooting the cable box and checked if this resolved the problem?

Turn off the TVs and then turn off the cable box and disconnect the power to the box. Leave off for a minute or so and then reconnect the power and turn on the box. Allow it to initialize and then turn on the TVs and check

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