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Released in Feb 2016, identified by model number 20F90017US.

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Why my some of my keyboard letters not working

the letters of e, c, d, and 3 are not working my lenovo t460s labtop, i want to know why?

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Is it possible that the contacts under those specific letters are dirty, maybe had something spilled on them. May just need to take the keyboard apart and clean the contacts with rubbing alcohol and a cotton cloth!

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Hey guys! I'm having a similar issue with my thinkpad T460s. The keyboard letters f, j, k, l, and backslash (\) all don't respond, while every other key works just fine. I purchased the laptop used, so wasn't expecting everything to fully work.

Since the keys are mostly all in the same row, I was wondering if it was a dirty contact on the connection, or if something was trapped under the rubber layer. I still have yet to fully disassemble the keyboard (check under the rubber contacts/use contact cleaner), but after taking out the keyboard and cleaning it extensively there still is no fix for the issue.

Does anyone happen to know the layout of the ribbon cable that thinkpads use? I'm wondering what contact is the one responsible for the a-l row, and if that could be the cause of my laptop's issues.

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I recently had a similar problem with my T460s, where most of the keys of the middle row were not working. Specifically it was a,s,d,f,j,k,l whereas g and were working. I swapped the keyboard (now it seems to be working) and when I disassembled the notebook, I discovered that obviously one screw coming from the underside (which fixes the mainboard in place) is obstructing the cable of the keyboard and left already quite some mark there.

This seems to be obviously the reason for the not working keys.

Block Image

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Well I will suggest you to update your keyboard driver because outdated driver can also be the reason of the issue which your are facing the issue so check for the keyboard driver if it is outdated then update the driver to it latest version you can update the driver manually or you can also update the driver with the help of driver updater software as well. Software like Advanced Driver Updated is a great software to try to update and manage you driver on you windows system.

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