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IPX6 Waterproof Wireless earbuds, With Specs like found on the Airpod pros

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Won't connect audio to my laptop (voice only)

Suddenly they won't connect to my laptop with audio. Used to work, and work fine with my cell phone. I'm sure this is a computer issue but haven't been able to fix it. Tried TOZO assistance which got some sound working again but the audio quality is terrible and it still lists as 'voice only".

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Hi @nancyk

What is the make and model number of the laptop?

What OS is installed in the laptop?

Have you tried "removing" the earbuds from the laptop's saved BT list and then tried pairing them again?


I have removed and repaired the earbuds multiple times to no avail, but they work with my phone correctly.


Device name LAPTOP-9UGGB9LJ

Processor AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.30 GHz

Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)

Device ID 38B68BDF-D573-47DB-8AEA-F50A800C3B98

Product ID 00325-96658-74036-AAOEM

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 10 Home

Version 21H2

Installed on ‎5/‎15/‎2021

OS build 19044.2251

Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0


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Hey, Nancy

If your TOZO earbuds connect fine with your smartphone but not your laptop, it is likely a connectivity issue that can be found on your laptop. You may want to check if the laptop connects to other earbuds well, and also check if your earbuds connect to other laptops.

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Hi @nancyk

Do other BT devices connect OK to the laptop?

Check what version BT drivers are installed in the laptop, according to the Asus support page for your model the latest version BT drivers is V22.130.0.2 2022/10/07.

If yours are an earlier version try updating the BT drivers either through Device Manager or manually install them yourself

To get to Device Manager in Win 10, press the Win key + x key key (both together) and click on the Device Manager link in the options box that appears.

To check the driver version when the Device manager window opens, scroll down to the Bluetooth category and click on the category to see the hardware entry. Right click on the BT device and click on Properties > Driver to see the version number.

To update drivers, right click on the BT device and click on Update drivers and follow the prompts. You need to be online for this to work.

To manually install them click on the Asus link above, and in the Please select OS search box, click on Please choose and select Win 10 64-bit. Scroll down to find the BT driver download link.

If the drivers are up to date, try uninstalling the BT device in Device Manager and then let Windows reinstall it for you. In Device Manager, right click on the BT entry and click on Uninstall Device and follow the prompts. Close the Device Manager window and restart the laptop in the normal manner i.e. either Shut down and then power on again or select Restart from the power button icon on the desktop.

Update (11/29/2022)

Hi @nancyk

Your BT driver version seems a bit old if it is an Intel BT, so perhaps first verify what actual make and model BT is installed

To find the BT device ID info and perhaps this will find the manufacturer of the BT used in the laptop

Go to Device manager > Bluetooth > right click on BT hardware entry > Properties > Details > click the arrowhead in the "Properties box" scroll down and click on Hardware IDs > in the Values box the top line should have a Ven_??? and a Dev_??? and perhaps a subsys_??? and Rev_???

This information relates to the Vendor, Device and more specific info regarding the device itself (subsystem and revision) i.e. it identifies who made it and what model it actually is.

Search online for Ven (insert number) Dev (insert number) and check what info results about the maker and the device e.g. Ven_10EC = Realtek, Ven _8068 =Intel Corporation etc

Once you have the BT make and model number search online for (insert BT make and model) drivers. try to find the manufacturer's website e.g. Intel?

There's also this website which provides Asus drivers and I've used them in the past with no problem. Find the Bluetooth drivers for the BT model in your laptop (model name as you found above) and download them and install and check.

Just querying if you can connect other BT devices to the laptop OK?

Does the WiFi work OK? - Asking because the WiFi and the BT share the same antenna in the laptop and sometimes even the same IC on the motherboard. Try using the earphones as close as possible to the laptop's lid i.e. <10cm and check if it connects and works OK. Difficult I know when trying to listen to eaphones. If it does then you have an antenna problem in the laptop.

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Thank you for such detailed help. However, even after downloading and running install for bt driver V22.130.0.2 2022/10/07, it does not appear as being the driver for my bt device. I also tried deleting the device and rebooting but that did not change the driver from its original version on my computer 10.0.19041.1

What else can I try to get the updated driver on my computer?


In the hardware ID box it simply says: BTH\MS_RFCOMM.

Googling that number I got: https://oemdrivers.com/devid/bth-ms_rfco... - would this mean it's the "intel bluetooth" driver from the page you recommended? That site says it's "Intel/Microsoft Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI) drivers"

Other BT headphones do the same thing as mine - tinny sound, parts of music seem to be missing, volume control on the earbuds don't work, and it says that just voice is connected (not audio). These two sets of BT earbuds work perfectly fine with other hardware, just not my laptop.

The wifi is working fine.



Seems like Windows is loading generic Windows BT drivers and not hardware specific drivers for the actual BT chip in the laptop

It's unusual that it didn't identify the exact device in Device Manager, no Ven ID and Dev info then?

I would still try the Intel drivers from the page I linked.

If they're not the ones it won't install the same as the ones from the Asus support page for your model that I linked at first, didn't.

Just out of interest what's the audio like in the laptop speakers or when using wired headphones connected to the laptop?


There was no Ven ID or Dev info.

The intel driver from the page you linked didn't install after trying.

The laptop speakers seem fine. The headphone jack stopped working a year or more ago after some update or another, which is why I rely on the BT earbuds.

The earbuds worked fine until I went to use them on 11/20 after being away for a couple of weeks. I undid any software updates that may have happened around then (which didn't help) and have been working with AVG to try to figure out the problem too. They have one more thing to try but if the doesn't work and you don't have any more ideas I'm not sure what else to do. Your time and help is appreciated though.



Since the Asus support page for your laptop shows that it is has Intel drivers for the Bluetooth download then going on the assumption that there is Intel BT hardware in the laptop, try downloading and running the Intel DSA program and check if it can identify the BT model in your laptop.

Hopefully the result will look something like what is shown for Option #1

I realize that you said that the WiFi is working OK but try and see if updating the WiFi drivers (Device Manager > Network Adapters > Wireless LAN right click Update drivers (or download the WLAN drivers from the official Asus support page I first linked) is possible and if so whether it affects the BT.

Looking a bit further it seems the the WiFi and BT are integrated in the same chip and there seems to be a "package" driver download for either so I'm wondering if one can affect the other.

If doing this affects your WiFi just "rollback" the drivers to what was installed before in Device manager > Network Adapters > WLAN adapter > right click Properties > Driver > rollback


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