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Repair and disassembly information for the Dyson AM10 humidifier.

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What does a Piezo do?

My AM10 has stopped misting, doesn't draw any water from the tank.
I am trying to troubleshoot it.
First stop is something called a PIezo, which is accessed from a panel on the bottom of the base unit.
my looks to be in poor condition but I don't know if it is the source of the problem. in fact I don't even know what it does.
it appears to have a watertight seal. so it must be sitting at the bottom of the water tray.

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@pjstock, A piezo is basically a “speaker” or more commonly known as a buzzer.

I say “speaker” because because it’s not playing sounds as a speaker, it’s only really capable of producing tones in given ranges.

You can Google “piezo buzzer” if you want to read and understand more about it :)

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Google it. Loads of different types.

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Hi. I have the same issue with my am10. Have you found a solution?

Thanks! I’d appreciate it!

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change it will help. I also have the same problem and find it in amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWN3BZR8


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I think in this device working the piezo element not like speaker but like object size detector. Same like in dyson vacuum cleaner. Small pieces hitting the piezo, thats generate a very small current, from this currend is calculated how many and how big pieces was catched.

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peter stock wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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