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Adhesive tapes LCD replacement


I can't seem to find the adhesive tapes to remove the LCD screen from the panel to put a new one. I have a HP 15s fq0071.

On the top it's not there and I don't see them at the bottom.

Please help

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I was ready to give up when i finally found the adhesive tape hidden behind the hinges. (most videos says it sticks out bit this wasn't, neither at the top or the bottom but hidden). See pictures

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With bleeding fingers and nails and tools stuck in between like dentistry I managed to grab it. And slowly pull it out.

Now I will look for the parts to replace it.

Thanks all who tried to help.

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Hi @tma2020

Here's the maintenance and service guide for the laptop series for your model.

Go to p.50 to view the procedure to remove the display assembly and then the LCD panel.

The HP part number for the adhesive tape is L52528-001 (supplier example only). Search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

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The part was L63567-001 in the end. But thanks for that maintenance guide. It will help in future.

Thanks all


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