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Launched in July of 2020, this Inspiron has a 15.6 inch 1080p display, a wide range of Intel processors, upgradeable DDR4 RAM, and an older but diverse selection of external ports.

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Why my laptop is over heating?

My dell laptop gets heated very soon.

I run HARDWARE DIAGNOSIS and got these following errors.

Sensor-error accessing thermal sensor skin status = invalid parameter , error code: 2000-0173

Sensor - error accessing thermal sensor skin status = invalid parameter DIMM A status = invalid parameter.

Error code: 2000-0173

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The fan is spinning?


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Based on your description, I will try to answer.

  • It can be caused by wrong Bios version/obsolete Bios, to resolve update your bios or find the suitable bios for that board.
  • It can be caused by broken temp censor.
  • It can be cause by clogging air fan.

Hope this will help to resolve your problem.

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Just to chime in on the great answer above. The inspirion is a budget laptop, great system and the more budget sensitive the lower dollar figure rolled into production of this off the assembly line. The design is not perfect and dust will become a challenge even down to the connector that you connect for power. A particle, in my past history, has kept the charge from fully taking place. One day if they decide to use modify things, they should use the power cord for the Latitude. Used one for work and my woes went away. Become ninja like in terms of breaking the system down and cleaning. use anti static mat and appropriate tools and have service manual close by and ensure your grounded when on the interior. best EM TEXAS

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