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Repair guides, manuals, and troubleshooting help for Dell Vostro 14 5481. Get everything you need to repair your Dell Vostro 14 5481 yourself. From the Dell Vostro 5000 Series Released September 2018 Starting price: $670

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fan is not responding error 5011

fan is not responding needs to diagnostic

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Hi @vislakrishna

Can you hear the fan operating when you turn on the laptop?

If not, here's the owner manual for the laptop, that will help.

Go to p.35 to view the procedure to remove/replace the fan.

Initially you just have to disconnect it from the motherboard and use an Ohmmeter to check for continuity between the red and the black wires on the fan's cable plug to see if the fan motor is OK. The other two wires (possibly blue and white but may be other colours) are the speed sensor and the temp sensor wires.

If you connect the Ohmmeter between the black wire and one of the other two wires i.e not red you will either get a reading or if nothing then try spinning the fan blades and check if there are pulses being shown on the meter.

Do the same test on the other wire, again connecting the meter to the black wire.

If any of the tests fail i.e. motor open circuit or either sensor open circuit, then the fan will have to be replaced. Search online for 0G0D3G to find suppliers that suit you best.

If all the tests pass i.e motor OK and both sensors are OK, then there's a problem with the fan controller on the motherboard and further testing using the motherboard schematics would be necessary to find out what's wrong.

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