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How to fix the seventh generation of Honda's compact car.

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leaks washer fluid and headlight washers are not working

Interesting conversation. I think I also have a headlight washer issue. My 2002 civic leaks washer fluid after a certain level and headlight washers are not working. Do you have any idea? @boosterr @oldturkey03

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@mustafaerdogdu this "leaks washer fluid after a certain level" sounds like a leak on the washer reservoir. You will need to have to check that out. As for the washer not working, if you mean they are not moving etc, check the motor according to this

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Thanks for the response. I’ll check that soon.


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It sounds like the reservoir (which is plastic) has a creak and needs to be replaced. If the washers don't work just when the fluid is too low because of the leak, that might be related, so I'd start with the reservoir.

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Thanks for the response. I’ll check that soon.


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