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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen zu Googles Pixel 7 Pro Smartphone, erschienen im Oktober 2022. Die Modellnummern sind GP4BC und GE2AE.

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Removing dust from inside of the housing

I have a Pixel 7 Pro without a screen that has been gathering some dust inside while I was waiting for the replacement screen to arrive. Any way to do a clean of the insides? I had a horrible thought of just holding it upside down and washing it out with WD40 Contact Specialist...

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Unless you left it in lets say a woodshop with sawdust blowing all over the place, you really shouldn't have to worry about the dust gathered in the device. I would just use a can of electronics duster and give it a blast of air with that, no need to chemicals like WD-40.

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