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The Jeep Cherokee (XJ) is a compact SUV that was manufactured and marketed by Jeep from 1997 to 2001. Sharing the name of the original full-size SJ model, but without a traditional body-on-frame chassis, the XJ instead featured a light-weight unibody design.

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How do I quiet a squeaky car door?

I drive a 2000 Jeep Cherokee, and recently I noticed my passenger doors are very squeaky when opening an closing.

What is the best way to remove this squeak?

I've heard certain lubricants work better than others, and some shouldn't be used at all because they will hurt the actual hinges and remove the grease in the hinge.

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You DON'T want to use Pam. Pam is basically an aerosol can of cooking oil, it will help in the short term but then dries up and turns into rancid grease, much like the stuff that builds up on the hood over your stove it you don't clean it regularly.

I spent many years in the restaurant business and people kept wanting to use Pam to lubricate the slicer. It DID work, but not for long and then the thing was harder to use than ever. I cleaned it using WD-40 (which cut the grease), and the lubricated it with white lithium grease.

Nothing wrong with using WD-40 for what it was intended, freeing stuck (sticky) mechanism. But for the long term a real lubricant is needed, and white lithium grease is an excellent all around lubricant.


It's a Jeep just remove the door :)


It's a cherokee. The door doesn't come off easily like on a wrangler.


I know, I used to own a Cherokee, but still it's a Jeep :)


Great Jeeps are not bought, they are built :-) even the Cherokee is a great project. I am all for taking the doors off....


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11 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

This is most likely caused by a wear down of grease in certain areas of the door. Listen to it carefully, and try to ascertain the location of the squeak(s). Once you have determined the spot, you should lubricate it with grease, not oil. Contact a dealer or gas station to find out what type of grease your car will need, I'm sure it varies from car to car, but it should be something you can pick up at a gas station, I've seen hinge grease at hardware stores too.

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Any reason for the vote down? I mean, it was accepted, so I'm kinda confused.


rab777hp is correct about not using oil it will wash away grease. He is also correct contacting the dealer for their recommendation. Not all greases mix well in this "high tech" day and age.


I think that part about contacting the dealer to determine the right grease for your car is way too fussy.


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Hilfreichste Antwort

In the shop we always used White Lithium Grease on door hinges. It is best to use the paste in a can and apply with a brush. An easier method is the spray-on can of White Lithium Grease but it is messier and does not last as long. Apply it to the two hinges and the part that keeps the door open. You can also use it on the lock hardware (not the key tumbler). Great for hood and trunk hinges too. Any auto parts store will have both types and the right brush. It also (the paste only) works great on metal to metal brake parts ie; drum type backing plate, pins, spring contacts, adjuster, E-brake Etc and for the pins (only) on disk brakes. Two references I found are below (note the important info for brakes.)



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I've always had trouble finding the paste kind, so what I do is buy the spray version, and then spray the lube into a cup or the can's cap, and wait about five minutes for the aerosol to evaporate out. You're then left with what's essentially the same as what is in the paste can. Nice answer. +


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Check for rust. Then take a look at this site for hairspray, soap, WD40 fixes.


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WD40 will likely lead to what Nat Welch has described he fears, grease removal from the hinge.


+1 Ralph


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Lubricants Can't Fix A Worn Part- I lubed my car's door hinges a hundred times- to no avail. A few years ago, the front doors on my Chrysler started creaking when I opened them. I bought my 2008 model new, and take good care of it. When I had asked the dealer about it then, I was told it was normal, and there wasn't much they could do. Oh, and they lubed the hinges every time I mentioned it.

As the years went on, the noise got worse, sounding like an old rusty truck. Finally, after days of internet research, I found that it was probably the door check. It's a small, black plastic arm that goes from the body into the door. You can't see the parts inside, but they are sealed, and made of bushings that can wear out. The best lubricant on earth can't fix a worn bushing.

So I went to a reliable auto body shop, had them look at it, and they confirmed it - and the look-see cost me nothing. I just had the work done today. The new door checks for both front doors (Chrysler parts) were about $60 each (Aug. 2015). With labor, the bill was quite reasonable at about $170.00 for parts & labor. I didn't want to do it myself as I was a bit leery of removing the door panels.

The doors are now silent, and the tech explained that the internal parts of the door check were worn out. Trying to lube them at that point would have done little good, but if they HAD been lubed properly by my dealer at oil changes over the years, they'd have lasted longer. Sadly, NO oil change & lube place ever lubricates anything these days... Including car dealers.

He showed me how and where to lube them with LITHIUM spray. Do NOT use WD-40.

By the way, don't accept the "normal wear & tear" line. It happens to lots of car brands, and can be fixed. Some people have had these things break, and parts fell into the electric window mechanism. I've read reports of Mercedes and Chevy owners going through the same thing.

I hope this answer helps. If lubing up your hinges doesn't last, have your door check looked at.

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If all else fails spray on PAM COOKING SPRAY.


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white grease is the best stuff to use as it want affect any thing

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Always use spray silicone on door hinges, squeaky frame or spring mounts, or pretty much anything rubber or plastic in nature. The reason is that anything else may eat away or degrade the piece!

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Sorry, forgot to add that any auto shop worth its lugnuts will have silicone spray.


On a door henge, holding the weight of the door, there will be rubber or plastic to worry about grease degrading it's integrity or structure? ???


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WD-40 on the hinges. Careful with overspray

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Already mentioned on Feb 8, 2010 by mayer :)


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Use some spray lubricant / cleaner on the hinges of the door (one on top of inside of open door, and one on bottom of inside open door)

Give each door hinge a good blast of some WD40 or something alike and your grabby / sqeaky / annoying improperly working doors will be just like new, trust me my driver-side door I would literally hvae to PULL the door shut and PUSH it open, now I just lightly give it a pull and it will thud closed, and push it open and it will swing open without having to force it every time. Good luck!

*2001 jeep cherokee XJ*

I've done lots of preventative maintenance.

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Sorry, but WD-40, PAM, etc aren't sufficient! White lithium grease or better yet BG HCF will work great-IF THAT"S WHAT IS WRONG! Carefully look at the hinges (especially the upper one) where the hinge plate is welded onto the body. Look at both while opening and closing the door a little and even try wiggling the door up and down by having a friend grab the rear lower corner of the door. If you see movement between the hinge and body it's welding time! This was common and an easy fix if you catch it before it breaks away.

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if you do see movement in the hinge they make rebuild kits that are brass inserts for the pins that hold the door on. I would not recommend to do this yourself unless you have work on doors before. ask a friend or take it to a repair shop. sorry no easy fix for this. if the pins are worn.


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