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will not read HP 932311-001 SanDisk 256gb SSD

I will not read HP 932311-001 SanDisk 256gb SSD

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Hi @teddyalemu

Looking at the SSD parts list (Item #13 p.20) of the maintenance and service guide taken from this support webpage for the laptop, the laptop supports PCIe M.2 SSD usually NVMe.

M.2 cards can be keyed either as M or B or both

All the SSDs listed for the laptop are M keyed NVMe i.e. PCIe.

Your SSD is a sata M.2 and images show that it is B+M keyed so it will insert OK but this doesn't mean that it will work. It depends on the motherboard design.

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teddy alemu wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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