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Repair and disassembly information for the Nokia G310 5G Android smartphone, released in August 2023. Identified by model number TA-1573.

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Why does my phone restart every 2 minutes?

So about every week My phone starts to randomly restart to the point where it forces me to factory reset it then it works fine for a week then does it again any help would help also this is my second Nokia g310 I replaced it when it was doing it to my first one and got another new phone and the problem is still there

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Hi @baileyboy110

Try using the phone in safe mode and check if it works OK.

If it does then a downloaded app¹ may be the cause of the problem. The trick is to find out which one. You will need to uninstall each downloaded app, one by one, and then test the phone in "normal" mode between each uninstall to see if it works OK or not. When it does then the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit. A downloaded app¹ is one that you downloaded and installed and wasn't already pre-installed on the phone.

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Thank I'll try it but I have no way of finding out if it works because my phone does this once every Friday or Saturday is there a way to figure out y it restarts



Since you know it does this in normal mode then using it in safe mode is the same, the only difference is that in safe mode, no downloaded apps are loaded on startup whereas in normal mode they can be (depends on app).

If it doesn't do this in safe mode then being random it may take a while to find out which app is the cause as you have to allow time for it to happen to make sure whether it is or or isn't, before reinstalling the uninstalled downloaded app and uninstalling the next one if it is.


%#*@ that sucks guess I gotta wait a week thanks for all the help



Do you use the same app only on Fridays/Saturdays and not the rest of the week?

If so start with that one.

However, hopefully you can access whatever the app does some other way, because you have to uninstall it to know if it is the cause or not.


It's not an app that start doing it making the phone restart the phone just does it by itself


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