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Das größte und teuerste Smartphone, das Apple am 20. September 2019 angekündigt hat, verfügt über ein 6,5" OLED-Display, ein Kamerasystem mit drei Linsen und eine deutlich verbesserte Akkulaufzeit. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone XS Max.

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Unknown Battery Part / Shuts off about every minute

Hello all,

As the title explains I got the notification stating I had an unknown battery part. I still have the original battery part so I'm unsure why this is popping up. After reviewing battery health it shows it's at "0%" charging and will do a restart after about a minute of it being on. This doesn't provide me a large window to trouble shoot the issue. I have also popped it open and disconnected and reconnected the battery to see if it was a possible cable connection error but the problem remains. Any ideas?


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I purchased a battery from ifixit back in February I did the replacement and have had the same issues, the bigger problem is that I am no longer able to upgrade my iOS on my device not sure if this is because apple can’t verify the part or what. What is the warranty on iFIxit parts?


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Sounds like your battery may have gone bad and may need replacement. The device hasn't gotten wet or suffered any hard drops has it?

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Hasn't got wet, and no hard drops. I'm currently deployed though, so I'm not sure I could get a replacement battery shipped here.


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