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Das Flaggschiff-Smartphone von Huawei erschien im April 2019. Es hat ein 6,47 Zoll FHD+OLED Display, eine Hauptkamera mit 40 MP und 8 MP Telekamera und einen neuen Ohrlautsprecher. Der Fingerabdrucksensor befindet sich im Display,

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What resistors are these? (zxw)

Hello, please help me determine the location on the motherboard where I can find exactly the same component. I bought another motherboard, but unfortunately, the component is also missing :(

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A "missing" component might not be a problem. Designs change all the time and it might not be needed. That looks like a capacitor, anyhow.

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Yeah. I broke this capacitor, so my USB doesn't work. Anyway I had to return the cell phone not fixed because I will not buy ZXW only to know this one thing. Thank you for answering!


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