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ATX Mid Towers have the same general build and parts as other mid size computer towers

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

wont run soft ware

ive reinstalled windows xp pro everything goes smooth but it won't let me on the net so i put in a fresh copy of 10 everything goes smooth but again no internet access i've tried different cards for wireless and non wired still nothing

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Hi @martin75386,

What is the make and model number of the PC or motherboard if a custom build?

What is the status of the LAN and WLAN network adapters as shown in Device Manager i.e. are they shown as installed and working OK?

Have you tried the Windows Network troubleshooter to see what it shows?


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Troubleshooting is all about eliminating possible causes. The first cause to eliminate is your internet connection. Any idea how to do that?

Then you must eliminate your connection to your router. Then the drivers on your system. Then the hardware.

Let us know what you did and what you found.

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