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Bei Nerf Guns, die offiziell als Nerf Blasters vermarktet werden, handelt es sich um Spielzeugwaffen von Hasbro, mit denen Schaumstoff-Darts und in manchen Fällen Schaumstoff-Bälle abgeschossen werden.

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Gun shoots with slmost no power at random


I have a Nerf N-strike - Accustrike Alphahawk.

The blaster worked well for a few weeks but then It has started to shoot one or two shots per barrel (5 shot barrel) with almost no power. The dart basicaly drops out of It or It flies like one meter away which is not normal. The rest of darts in the barrel then usually is shot with full power again

Does someone please know what to do with it?



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1 Antwort

  • Inspect and replace darts if necessary.
  • Clean the blaster and barrel.
  • Check the barrel for obstructions.
  • Examine the plunger system.
  • Test for air leaks.
  • Adjust the spring tension if adjustable.
  • Ensure proper dart loading.
  • Check for internal mechanical issues.

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