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I’m from the uk what is “cardstock”?

I have no clue what you are saying when you say “cardstock” card? Cardboard? Some example of what card is the correct weight and thickness would be extremely helpful… or better still a link to an ideal piece of card that I can acquire in the UK please

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Its a thicker piece of paper that is stronger than normal paper but not quite cardboard, its the same stuff that buisness cards, playing cards, etc. are made out of hence "cardstock"

Construction paper is very similar in use and usability, you can probably get it at your local arts and crafts store, if not here is a 300 piece 8.5 by 11 inch box on amazon

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Hi @nics93686

Cardstock is another term that refers to a grade of paper, usually determined by its weight

Here's a guide showing the different paper weights and their uses.

Search online for cardstock UK suppliers to find one that suits you best. (examples only.

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