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Sony Bravia 40 inch LED and 3D smart TV released in April 2012.

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Sony Bravia LED TV 32" Screen Dimming


My Sony Bravia LED TV 32 inch has been experiencing screen dimming problems recently. I've already tried many time to change the power supply but the problem persists.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? What should I do to fix this problem?

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@abdullahakram "screen dimming problems" really does not tell us much. Give us more detail about the "problems" It could be a backlight issue on an issue with your settings. Of course it can also be an issue with your power board. So, as you can see, we need more specific information from you, if you want your TV fixed. Also, we really need to know the accurate TV model number. The TV you picked " KDL40HX850 is a 40-inch TV and not a 32 inch. Again, we need you to be specific.

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