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Is my Magnetron failing

Hi Team - I have an NN-ST656W 1100W inverter microwave. I recently fixed a plastic part in the door release and got another 18 months out of it but its starting to overheat and stop cooking effectively.

Basically if we use it to heat something or cook something quickly it works as expected but if my wife cooks pasta in it that has a volume of water it works well but then when she goes to cook some vegetables straight afterward she'll put them on for longer than she normally would and they are still al dente/crisp. At this point the body of the microwave is getting quite hot.

I initially wondered if the cooling fan wasn't working but once I had the microwave out of its shoulder high posi it seems to be moving air well. I've swapped it with the Samsung from my office as at work I only heat a Frozen meal or a pie.

That leaves me thinking its probably the magnetron getting tired? Does that fit, I don't want to waste ~$90 NZD on a part as a new similar 32L microwave is only $250. Otherwise, I'll just keep using it to heat Macaroni and Cheese until it gives up completely. I've lost track of how many years old it is - It appears they still sell the same model now and I've lost track of when we got it - It feels like it could be 10-12 years old?

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@mobiusnz since it still heats, just not as effective as it should, I am doubtful it is the magnetron. I am not saying it is not but test the other parts first. check your capacitors as well as your high voltage diodes. As always, when working with HIGH VOLTAGE, you always have to be aware off that you know where and what you are doing. Always discharge your capacitors before touching anything. Use insulated tools only and stay away from touching anything with your bare hands. It's just me being careful :-)

On your inverter board, check the capacitors for any leakage or other damage. Check for anything that might be looking "odd". Post some pictures of anything that looks questionable. I am also a bit leery about "the body of the microwave is getting quite hot" Ones you have it open, take a good look around for any bad contacts that may have arched and are not properly connected. Again, use caution :-)

See if this Panasonic NN St656w Simplified SM can help you to fix your MW.

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Cheers oldturkey03 - I remember years back a monitor tech in the days or CRT's warned me about the amount of charge they can hold. I'll take to cover off and have a quick look if anything stands out - Being in IT I'm pretty good at spotting swollen/leaky caps.

Even if I knew it was the Magnetron 100% it would me iffy if its worth the spend but replacing a cap would be cheap and easy.


@mobiusnz I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is something simple. I just don't like to bin things that might still be useable :-)


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Please refer to an explanation I gave some time back on the subject of microwave ovens and magnatrons. This was easy to measure and to fix. The problem lay in the mmagnatron connector where one of the two small capacitors had shorted to ground.

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I'll check the health of the connectors and caps when I take the lid off. Today is going to be the first time of me using it in my work office to heat a frozen meal and with the one I had that was the same advertise wattage I know I generally did a minute less than the suggested time so I'll have a reasonable benchmark to compare to see if its lower powered even on quick jobs.


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