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Guides and repair information for the LG Exalt VN220. The LG Exalt VN220 (also called the LG Exalt or Exalt LTE) is a flip phone released in 2018.

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Screen goes black upon starup

Hello, my lg exalt flip phone turns on normally, as soon as the regular home screen is shown the screen proceeds to turn off. The keypad remains on, as does the blinking red lcd light on the outside. I have tried taking out battery putting back in but the same thing happens. Any help would be much appreciated.

Update: The screen randomly turns on then off again after some time.

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1 Antwort

could be your flex cable that connects the top to the bottom is either loose or slightly ripped

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yozid wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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Letzte 30 Tage: 1

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