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Guides and repair information for washing machines produced by GE, an engineering and technology company in the US.

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I have a GE GFWH1400DVVW front load washer.

Washer fills, drains and spins with no error codes. Main cycle just sits there with no tumble. Occasionally door becomes unlocked and we have to press start again. I do hear a motor running during the rinse cycle but the drum isn't turning and at the end the door unlocked again.

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Hi @cag96978

Please confirm the model number of the washer? The closest model that I can find is a GFWH1400D0WW

If it is the model number I posted, here's the mini manual that may help.

I realize that you said that there were no error codes but try entering the Service Mode - see p.5 and check if you can find out what's wrong using it this way.

If you find the problem and it's a faulty part that needs replacing, here's the part list that is useful. Locate the wanted part in the list and note the manufacturer's part number that is listed with it. Search online for the part number only, to find suppliers that suit you best.

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