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Das am 16. September veröffentlichte "kleinere" Flaggschiff-Smartphone von Apple verfügt über ein 6,1 Zoll ProMotion-OLED, ein rückwärtiges Kamerasystem mit drei Linsen, 5G und eine neu gestaltete Dynamic Island um die Frontkamera und die oberen Sensoren. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13 Pro.

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iPhone 14 Pro turns off and on

My iPhone 14 Pro turns off and on.

This started a few days ago. I have also noticed that the battery capacity is reduced from 40% to 10% etc. I think it has something to do with the battery draining faster without any kind of warning. The battery capacity is 84%. iOS 18

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The battery capacity (state of charge) dropped from 40% to 10% right?

The capacity was and is at 87%?

These are two different things.

Does your phone doesn’t last?

And did you dropped it?

Either the battery sends wrong (wrong capacity/SoC) information or it’s a bug.

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Thank you so much for all the help. My english is not the best, thats why I cant explain the best way. The phone has never been dropped, this problem started two days ago. I charged the phone last night, it was 70% and in the morning it was 10%. The other problem I dont understand is that the battery last week had 85% capacity (battery health) and now because of this problem it is 83% battery health. I will try to reset, honeslty dont know what to do.


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