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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für den Jura Impressa F50 Kaffeevollautomaten

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How to perform decalcification forcefully on Jura F50.

My water flow is very weak and I think it's due to no decalcination cycle in a long time. In instruction it says to wait for message and only then you can do it. There is no maintenance menu for separate de-scaling.

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@vladyslavm48017 here are the DESCALING instructions right from the manual Chapter 18:

Block Image
Block Image

and in writing just in case the images are not good enough :-)


Again, these are the DESCALING instructions, NOT the cleaning instructions

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Thank you all for help. My translated manual didn't have a line about screen off.


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(0) Important prerequisite: machine is in stand-by, filter status off.

(1) Press the rinse button for four seconds

(2) Now empty the drip tray as requested, it must be outside for at least 5 seconds.

(3) Dissolve the descaling agent (Ammonium sulfatic acid is best) and pour it into the tank. Place a larger container under the steam outlet.

(4) Turn on the steam tap

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It is normal cleaning instruction, it will not start de-scaling process, that I want to do.


No, this is for descaling. Perhaps I should write "maintanance button", nor "rinse button". Anyway, this is the button with six drops on it.


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I’ve used CLR Lime & Rust cleaner and making sure to fully rinse out the reservoir and lines. You may need to use a loadable pod to fake out the machine.

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How do I start decalcination on this coffee machine? There is no button for this or menu button. I can only hope that message that it needs decalcination pop-up. I have cleaning powder for decalcification.


I need to do de-scaling. Not ordinary cleaning.


@vladyslavm48017 - I don’t know this exact system, cleaning is just the term used by this maker as there is really no difference between cleaning and de-scaling (removing lime build up) is just the chemical aspect of cleaning using more effective solutions than water alone.


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Cu expresorul oprit, țineți apăsat pe butonul de clătire, până apare mesajul de curățare a tavitei,...in acel moment, incepe propriu zis procedeul de decalcifiere...care are durata de circa 40 minute....


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