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Guides and repair information for washing machines produced by GE, an engineering and technology company in the US.

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G.E model mtw460asjaww will not fill with water

no matter what I set for water fill to it only fills to a low level

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Hi @mike17999

Did you mean model number GTW460ASJAWW as I can't find anything on the model number that you posted?

If it is then it seems like there's a problem with either the water level pressure sensor switch or the water level switch pressure hose that connects the tub to the sensor.

As water fills the tub it rises up the pressure sensor hose and this increases the air pressure on the sensor. When the pressure reaches an amount equal to the amount that is set by the water level switch position, it causes the water inlet valve to be turned off.

Here's the service manual, for the washer that may help.

Go to p.66-p.67 to view the procedure to enter the service mode tests and check if you get a fault code = 10 (binary).

If it fails indicating that there's a problem with the pressure sensor, go to p.77 fault code #8 (hex) to view the likely causes. The pressure sensor chart mentioned if checking the output voltages from the pressure sensor is necessary is found on p.62.

If you find the problem and it is a faulty part that needs replacing, here's the parts list that is useful. Locate the wanted part in the list and note the manufacturer's part number that is listed with it. Search online for the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best. As an example, if the water level pressure hose was the problem, it is part ID #101 in the tub and motor diagram and the part number is WH41X24395 (supplier examples only)

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