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The Bose SoundLink III, released February 2014, is the 3rd generation of Bose's SoundLink Mobile speakers. It is a modern, minimalist Bluetooth-capable portable speaker.

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Vibration after battery replacement

I have two SLIII’s, and just replaced the original battery on the first of them. Easy peasy and I only opened the rear side enough to get the old out and the new in. The new battery is working great so far, but now any strong bass generates an annoying vibration, similar to the sound of a misaligned cone in a loudspeaker. What could I have done wrong to cause this? The only four screws removed are tight.

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might wanna check and make sure there isnt anything in there like double sided tape or something to wedge the battery so it doesnt rattle around. can you shake it and make the noise at all? that might help you narrow it down.

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Thank you. Nothing heard or felt with shaking; I’ll look for anything else inside but I didn’t do anything except pull the old battery straight out and put the new in, and all four of the screws needed to do that are tight.


is there like a metal mesh that protects the speaker?


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