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Repair guides and support for small electric personal space heaters.

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Not heating, only cool air

The brand is Atomi Smart (model AT1514) (2022-2023)

I few years ago I was given this tabletop heater, and I never had the opportunity to tested until now. You can synchronise the heater with your phone and other devices. No problem with that. It turns on and off but, the air that is coming out from the heater is actually cool air. I tried everything including turning on and off, resetting the device and deleting the app.

it seems to me this is an issues that I may involves the thermostat.

Any thoughts on how I can fix it?


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Repairs to heating units is normally not a diy project unless familiar with electrical circuits, heating elements, temperature controls, multimeter use, etc. This may be as simple as a broken wire or faulty part. Contacting Atomi may help. Local electrical/electronic repair shops may have expertise to assess and provide an estimate of repairs.


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Hi @elizabethg26757

Don't bother fixing it.

There has been a Product RECALL issued for your model, due to it being a fire hazard.

Follow the instructions in the link to get a refund and how to dispose of the faulty heater..

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