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Das ist die 8. Generation des iPads, erschienen am 18. September 2020, erhältlich als 32 oder 128 GB Modell. Die Modellnummer ist A2270.

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Battery connector crackling, apple logo flashes and dissapears


As stated in the title, I've opened my Ipad because screen went black but still made sound when charger was plugged, I shined some light with flashlight but there was still no screen, opened it without a problem, detached and reattached the connector on the back of the screen and now apple logo appears for 0.7-0.8s and then screen goes black and battery connector makes crackling noise, i removed the motherboard, inspected the battery connector and it's all good. Does anybody know what's going on? How can i troubleshoot or isolate the problem?

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Did you disconnect the battery before you reseated the LCD flex?

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thanks for replying, yes i did


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