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Guides and repair information for washing machines produced by GE, an engineering and technology company in the US.

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Door stuck in locked position

Hello everyone I have a GE front load washer, model number: GFW655SSV0WW. recently the door stays locked and the word "door" runs across the screen. is there any way I can get this washer to work like it did before?

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Hi @xposedwires

In case you don't get a better answer, check if the mini manual is stored in the dishwasher. The manual shows how to run the diagnostic tests which may tell you what's wrong.

I can't find a download online for the mini manual (GE p/n 31-3000269) but here's an link that describes where to look for it.

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ok sounds good, ill see if i can find it. Thanks!



I posted the wrong link, check the link again for the location Apologies



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