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Digital home cinema speaker system. Sold from 2011-2014.

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Ifrared (IR) Stopped Working

The remote will power on the device successfully, but after a few minutes, the device will stop responding to the remote.

I've tried to replace the IR component but couldn't desolder it from the board. Plus, there seems to be three of them, and I'm not sure if it is the correct one.

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Maybe start suspecting the remote. Even if it powers the unit to ON, the rest of the functions could be faulty because of insufficient power. (I assume you tested/replaced the batts for a start)

Each function has its own 'code' transmitted as a series of IR pulses.

If the batts are fine, there's a simple way of testing if the remote is transmitting on all buttons: This works with most standard IR remotes: If available, use an old cellphone, (not the modern 'Smart' type) and point the camera lens at the remote's transmitter 'led'. Now push the various buttons. If it is transmitting, a small white ldot will be seen on the phone's screen. (You will not be able to detect any 'codes' as these are too rapid - only a white dot which may or may not appear to flicker.)

Please note: Some remotes may emit an IR frequency (or be filtered) so that your phone's camera can't pick it up.

If it does however, detect a dot when the power-on button is pressed, but not other buttons, the problem lies with the remote.

To remedy a common remote problem - especially with a much used remote - open it, clean the conductive button pads - the conductivity wears out after use - (I use methylated spirit) then do one of the following:

  1. Use conductive paint and dab it on the button pads
  2. Use adhesive conductive pads (of the right size for your remote) and stick them onto the remote's button pads
  3. Use adhesive copper foil, cut to size and stick on to cleaned button pads.
  4. All of the above are inexpensively available on-line.

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You said remote but I see speakers in the photo. The item may have a wireless audio connection and need a wireless data ? Low batteries or poor power connection could cause remote problems.

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