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Flickering screen when powered on

How to stop a flickering screen?

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Have you tried HP web site:

Why is my laptop screen flickering?

Several factors can cause your laptop screen to flicker:

1. Incompatible applications

Some applications may conflict with your system’s display settings, causing screen flickering. To determine if this is the case:

  1. Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del)
  2. Observe if the flickering continues while Task Manager is open
  3. If everything except Task Manager flickers, an incompatible app is likely the culprit

2. Outdated display drivers

Outdated or corrupted display drivers are a common cause of screen flickering. Keeping your driver software up-to-date is crucial for optimal performance.

3. Loose or damaged internal connections

Physical damage or loose internal connections can cause screen flickering, especially if the issue occurs when you move your laptop screen. Examining the display cable can help determine if it needs to be replaced or serviced.

4. Refresh rate issues

An incorrect ++refresh rate++ setting, particularly when using an external ++monitor++, can cause what appears to be screen flickering.

5. Hardware problems

In some cases, hardware issues such as a failing ++graphics card++ or damaged screen can cause flickering. Additionally, a failing graphics driver can also cause flickering and should be checked.

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