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The Canon Powershot A590 IS is an 8 megapixel digital point-and-shoot camera with a 4x optical zoom and a 2.5 inch LCD screen.

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Is it necessary to take the camera cover off?

To replace the battery door cover, it looks like the pin will just slide out but gets slightly caught up on the camera cover? Do I need to take the cover off first?

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SDR, that is the best way of doing it. It is possible that with extensive wiggling and pushing, it might get accomplished, or it might just break the eye of the case. Remove the case and push the pin out from the LCD side. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Thanks so much for the quick response. I'll give it a try! The primary reason for thr question is that this camera seems like the batteries are always dead (low battery/change batteries) like everyone else complains of. I don't mind spending a little money to see if it works but hope it doesn't just lead me down another repair path (i.e. bending battery contacts)!


SDR, it is not a bad camera to work on. Yes, these cameras do eat up their batteries in a hurry. I find that I got more time out of using higher quality (of course also more expensive ) batteries.


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