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Beitrag: Antwort auf „USB iPod jack repair”
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Abstimmende: oldturkey03 (Von Administrator:in entschieden)

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USB iPod jack repair

How do I fix the center console USB jack in the 2012 Quest?

Rep: 4,6 Tsd.


Could you post any picture of the port and/or the center console? I'm not familiar with the Quest specifically, but typically the cup holders themselves just pop out from pulling straight up on them. I’ve replaced the Aux port on other Nissans, however. With the cup holders out of the console, you can each up inside the console and squeeze the two retaining clips on the the Aux/USB port “assembly” and push it up. The angle can be pretty annoying on some of those cars, hopefully yours is easier. Let me know if this isn’t the case on your car and I’ll try tot guide you better with the pictures you post. Good luck!