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My fiancee has several items from the SPHERO brand and the R2D2 is one of them. After trying to take it apart to fix it...
Mehr erfahrenHello all. I have a Lenovo Ideapad model 20175. It was working great until a leak in my camper roof decided to drip right...
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If replacing the power supply didn't work try checking the CMOS battery.
Mehr erfahrenI would check the CMOS battery first before blaming the main battery. This battery will cause a computer to shutdown randomly or not startup at all. I've had several computers with that problem, laptop and PC. Its an inexpensive fix and fairly easy to check on most laptops though some can be moderately difficult to get to. Hope this helps. Eddie
Mehr erfahrenHello Robert! Inside your computer is a small button battery which is used for the CMOS, or BIOS. If that battery dies it will cause all sorts of problems like not starting up, starting up then shutting off, etc. Usually replacing that battery will take care of that problem. If that doesn't work your main battery could be going bad. Bad batteries cause all kinds of problems, it doesn't matter if its in a car, a phone, or a computer. Check both those batteries out and post back with an update. Best of luck. Eddie
Mehr erfahrenhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/...-dqW19PfAhUSWYYKHXiWCKEYABAVGgJ2dQ&ae=1&o...-hkog&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjcvdGW19PfAhV...-117182-37290-0/2%3Fmpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.eba...-595076253088%26abcId%3D1140476%26merchan...-hteIdKC22--J4rvl8wCrRZWt14R2GVWFWNLwAoY8aAuIzEALw_w...
Mehr erfahrenIf you run your mower for more than 5 minutes and the smoke and oil are still spitting out of your exhaust, it could have one of a few different things wrong with it. # (1) It could have a stuck or bent valve. (2) It could have a broken piston. (3) It could have been filled up with premixed gas (gas which is premixed with oil and used in two-cycle engines like that in weedeaters, chainsaws, leafblowers etc.) I would check the gas first. Pour a little out into a glass container and see if it is bluish in color. It would be this if the mower is running fine but just has the smoke problem. If the mower doesn't sound good while running it would more than likely be one of the first two problems I stated above. Towerjack EDIT I would like to add one more thing to my answer. When a mower is tipped over the oil has a chance to leak past the piston rings and coat the piston and valves. This will cause the motor to smoke until all the oil is burnt off, taking 5 minutes or more to stop smoking. If the mower doesn't...
Mehr erfahrenIf your brake lights and turn signals are not working but the third brake light is working I would go with Nope's answer and check the wiring for a broken/bad wire. I was going to say check the brake switch but since the third light is working there is nothing wrong with the switch. I will stick with a broken wire more than likely under the bed at the very back. This is where I have always found the wires to be broken.
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Jacob Ennis,
Very nice job. Well laid out and articulate. This helped me out tremendously. I just have one question, and the only reason I'm asking it is because on my laptop I didnt need the last step of removing the battery to get to the SSD. I can understand disconnecting the battery, but why the removal? Just asking thats all. I would rather not mess with the battery if at all possible besides unplugging it, but thats my preference.
So thank you for a job well done.